Imagery containing a combination of a tree and a platform is present in Mughal paintings. Sitting across a path from Nizam al-Din's chilla-khana, the Tree Platform at Humayun's Garden Tomb is the central point of interest in the northeastern quadrant of the garden. This octagonal masonry platform is built around a tree at the center of a water channel circuit that connects eight pools. This water channel circuit is a small scale repetition of the large water channel circuit that connects the four octagonal and four rectangular pools around the tomb. One of these pools in the Tree Platform's water channel circuit empties water into a large chadar that delivers the water to a final pool. Viewing the Tree Platform from the south reveals what could be the setting for a Mughal painting.
Wescoat, J.L. Jr. "Gardens, Pavilions, and Tents: The Art of Shelter." In Treasures of the Aga Khan Museum: Architecture in Islamic Arts, edited by Margaret S. Graves and BenoƮt Junod, 235-45. Geneva: Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 2011.